#SLAY Society has placed so much emphasis on how a woman should look, talk and act. The image of a Christian woman emphasizes modesty to the extreme by almost restricting the expression of individuality and self esteem. Women are expected to wear long and unflattering skirts with monotone colors and un-patterned designs in order to not draw attention to themselves. Certain fashion accessories are frowned upon such as body piercings or hooped earrings. Religion in all cultures has influenced how people dress as well as their views on modesty. The Bible however, emphasizes the truth and worth of a person within as compared to the outward appearance. I am by no means approving of elaborate or revealing dress codes. I wish to portray the notion that women in general, were created to be beautiful both on the inside and outside. We harbor and nurture life which in itself is one of the greatest attributes of a woman. We are filled wi...